Recommended tourist attractions in Canada that you can see if you fill out the ETA and visit!

ETA portal | Updated on 2023-11-20

Hello everyone, where do you go when you think of autumn leaves? It's Canada. Today it's called Maple Country.
I would like to introduce you to tourist attractions in Canada. Canada has a variety of attractions, including natural scenery and cathedrals.
If you are planning a trip to Canada, we recommend filling out an ETA and adding it to your itinerary!
Now, let’s get started on Canada’s tourist attractions!

1. Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is a tourist destination so spectacular that it is said to be one of the top three waterfalls in the world.
There are so many people who come to see this waterfall in any weather!
Among the activities you can enjoy at Niagara Falls is the popular Hornblower Cruise.
You can also watch the waterfall while wearing a raincoat and getting close to the waterfall.
There are many different and attractive sightseeing spots in Niagara!

2. Montreal

Montreal is located in Quebec, and has a European atmosphere, including Notre Dame Cathedral and the Old Port of Saint-Paul Street.
It is a place where you can feel it. You may be thinking that Notre Dame Cathedral can only be seen in Paris, France, but
You can also see it in Montreal, Canada. It is a truly magnificent and beautiful cathedral.
Fill out the ETA Canada and visit us to experience this grandeur for yourself.
At Notre Dame Cathedral in Canada, an aura show is also held so you can see even more beautiful scenes.
The Old Port of Saint-Polgerio, which is connected to the cathedral, is especially special because it was built by French immigrants.
You can feel the European style and it is a great place to take a leisurely walk and see the city.

3. Agawa Canyon Tour Train

 The Agawa Canyon Tourist Train allows you to see forests and lakes on the train heading to Agawa Canyon Park.
It's a train, and both sides of the train are full of autumn leaves. If you go to Canada to see autumn leaves, you must go there.
It's a great place. It takes a while to arrive, but you can take a train and enjoy the autumn leaves.
You can enjoy the panoramic view, and there is a cafeteria on the train, so you can grab a quick meal.

4. CN Tower

It is a landmark in Toronto, Canada, listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's tallest edge walk.
Because it is a very tall tower, the view is great and you can enjoy the view from the restaurant that rotates 360 degrees.
You can also have a meal, so I recommend visiting at least once. There is also a glass floor, so you can get a thrill out of it.
You can enjoy the view of Toronto while enjoying it. It is also recommended to go up in the evening and see the night view.

I looked at tourist attractions in Canada like this. If you are planning to travel to Canada, which is really attractive,
We recommend that you enjoy Canada's natural scenery in various places. When visiting Canada, fill out an ETA.
We hope you have a pleasant trip after going through immigration with ease!

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