[KETA] Top 3 Cathedrals in South Korea. Myeongdong Cathedral

ETA portal | Updated on 2024-02-05


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Allow me to introduce Myeongdong Cathedral, one of the top 3 cathedrals in South Korea. Explore it after entering Korea using K-ETA. Utilizing KOREAETA is the fastest way to visit South Korea.


Myeongdong Cathedral is the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in the Archdiocese of Seoul. It is the representative sacred site of the Catholic Church in Korea, housing the relics of martyrs and serving as the birthplace of the Korean Catholic community. Located in Myeong-dong 2-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, it is the first large-scale Gothic-style Catholic cathedral built on the Korean Peninsula and the country's first parish church (a church where priests reside and conduct pastoral duties). On November 22, 1977, it was designated as a cultural heritage site in South Korea.


Front view of Myeongdong Cathedral.


It is a holy shrine where the remains of martyrs such as Bishop Enver, Father Mouveau, and Father Chastain are enshrined in the underground cathedral.
On September 10, 1900, the remains of the martyrs of the Sickness Persecution, including Bishop Bernoulli, were brought from Yongsan Seminary to the cathedral crypt.
They were later moved to the site of their memorial. 
In 1926, the remains of the 79th martyr of the Gihae and Byeong-oh persecutions were placed in the catacombs.
Afterward, we installed the Bokja Altar in the left cloister of the cathedral and enshrined the 79th Holy Fire. 


Inside Myeongdong Cathedral.


During the 1950 war, the cathedral was occupied by the People's Army and the remains of martyrs in the catacombs were destroyed. 
During the military regime, it was a center of the pro-democracy struggle.
In 1991, the deteriorated remains were wrapped, the corroded lead coffins were rebuilt, and the remains were sealed and placed in sarcophagi.
We then placed them in the newly refurbished reality and finished by erecting a stone tablet with their screams.


Introduction to Myeongdong Cathedral.


The entrance has been renovated with glass doors to allow pilgrims to enter from time to time.
Mass and confession are held on weekdays and weekends. 
You don't have to be a believer to participate, and at Christmas time you can feel the reverent atmosphere among the colorful street decorations around you.


Myeongdong Cathedral Location.



Myeongdong Cathedral can be visited after entering Korea with a KOREAKETA.
Walking around the lively Myeongdong Street is great, but why not apply for a KETA and visit Myeongdong Cathedral? 
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