Let's write E-VISA, let's leave E-VISA!

ETA portal | Updated on 2024-01-17

Hello, don't you wonder Thai?I'm going to introduce the tourist attractions today!
Chiangma is a city of the northern part of the northYou can visit E-VISA
There are various people in Thailand, there are many people in ThailandThen I'll introduce it right now!


The first time is WatsonI don't think it's a big difference with other employees, but if you go inside
There are many gods in HinduismWatson, which is estimated to be built in 1367 years
Since the invasion of Myanmar, it was left to pneumonia since the invasion of Myanmar, but it was restored in the late 20th centuryThere's a grand prize
If you visit to Chiang, please watch it!


The second is what I'm a templeIn the oldest place of Chiang, the oldest place in 1297 years
It's an elegant and peaceful atmosphere of peace atmospherethe Buddha statue and elephants were decorated
It can be seen as well as if you go to Chiangmy, it's a place where you go to Chiang


Third is a different patternIt's the most notable place in the city of Chiangmy, if you visit to Chiangmy
I have to see the lake, but it's a place where you go to see the lakeThe inside of the other pad contact,
The outside is the point where you can compare the previous appearance between Shin Si-myeon and modern appearance

I found a tourist destination in Thailand, and if you visit to Thailand, if you visit to Thailand
I recommend you to goGo to Thailand with various employees and see us!


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