Do I need a k-eta when I make a stopover?

ETA portal | Updated on 2023-11-27

When you travel around different countries, you sometimes have to make a stopover to get to your destination!
If I have to make a stopover in Korea to go to another country, do I really need K-ETA?

The answer is that you don't need to get a K-ETA when it's a simple stopover!

If you have a schedule to visit Korea, you need to get issued and enter Korea
Diesel is not necessary because it is a case where you do not enter and stay in Korea

However, due to the airline's circumstances, I entered Korea after immigration and issued the ticket again
If you have to, you have to apply for KETA

If you want to visit Korea, please apply for KOREA ETA
The results come out within 72 hours, but considering the case of being rejected, rather than just before the visit
I recommend you apply in advance and receive the results if you want to apply easily
You can press the button below, so feel free to apply for ETA KOREA and visit Korea!

Check ETA requirements