O'Brien's is a great little Irish bar in Changwon. The food is decent (the burgers are a little dry but with sauce they taste good), but the drinks are great!
As an Irish person, the Guinness is overpriced, however, that's the norm in Korea, unfortunately. It tastes good though!
A very cozy place to enjoy a few beers.....awesome people and employees and BEER!!!
Friendly staff, Austin and Paul are always great. Good drink and food specials. Good burgers and menu including paninis, fish and chips, burritos. Fries with ranch! Pool table and darts.
3rd floor if in doubt. Great pint of Platinum IPA. Nice and friendly place.
This was a nice quiet bar located on the 3rd floor. BLT was good but not the same as an American BLT. Beer was cold and the staff was nice. The place is a bit hard to find. Keep looking up on the buildings to find the sign.