Tips for traveling to Korea in the New Year! (K-ETA)

ETA portal | Updated on 2024-01-02

Hello everyone, it's a new year and we hope you had a great one!
If you're thinking of traveling as a gift for yourself, I'd like to share some tips for traveling in Korea.
I hope you enjoy reading and have a great start to the year. Let's get started!

First of all, there's one thing you need to do before you can travel to Korea, and what is it?
The first thing you need to do to travel to Korea is to apply for a K-ETA.
If you don't have a Korea ETA, you won't be able to board a flight to Korea.
you will not be able to board a flight to Korea, so you need to apply for an ETA KOREA in advance and get it approved.
Approval is granted within 72 hours, but depending on the situation, it may take longer than 72 hours.
So make sure to apply for it well in advance of your departure date and enjoy your arrival in Korea!

When you arrive in Korea, you will be greeted by Incheon Airport, which is very large and can be difficult to navigate.
but there are plenty of information centers and well-written signs to help you get to your destination.
to get to your destination.

In Korea, there are various public transportation systems such as subway and buses.
but the subway requires you to purchase a boarding card, which can be purchased at each subway station.
After entering the origin and destination, you can insert cash and receive a disposable transportation card that allows you to ride to that destination.
Transportation in South Korea is not expensive because of the transit system.


Once you have purchased your transportation card and arrived at your destination, you can enjoy the beauty of Korea.
I hope you have a fun and happy trip to Korea, and I wish you a happy new year!

Check ETA requirements